Site.​CitationTemplate History

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30 July 2010 at 09:27 AM by John Rankin - expire diffs
08 May 2007 at 11:15 AM by John Rankin - clarify field wording
Changed lines 3-4 from:
:Reference ID:refid
:Reference key:refid
Changed lines 8-10 from:
:Citation text:citation (text=6)
::The citation text is required. Enter the citation as you want it to appear in the bibliography. Only the first line is used; subsequent lines are treated as comments. The \ end-of-line character continues the first line.
:Bibliography text:citation (text=6)
::The bibliography text is required. Enter the text as you want the citation to appear in the bibliography, including any wiki markup. Only the first line is used; subsequent lines are treated as comments. You can use a \ as an end-of-line character to split the first line into blocks.
Changed lines 12-13 from:
::The default text is used as the text of the reference, unless you supply an alternate in the field below. Options on the cite markup may vary the text displayed.
::The default text is automatically derived from the reference key. It is used as the link text in a cite markup reference, unless you supply alternate reference text in the field below. Optional variants on the cite markup may vary the text displayed.
Changed lines 15-16 from:
::The reference text is optional. If entered, it is used as the text of the reference. If omitted, the default text, derived from the reference ID, is used.
::The reference text is optional. If entered, it is used as the link text in a cite markup reference. If omitted, the default text, derived from the reference key, is used.


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Page last modified on 30 July 2010 at 09:27 AM