Site.LocalTemplates HistoryHide minor edits - Show changes to markup 12 February 2009 at 09:08 AM
by - replace name with title
Changed line 17 from:
12 February 2009 at 09:07 AM
by - replace name with title
Changed line 17 from:
09 February 2009 at 04:42 PM
by - forum and thread lists
Added lines 1-20:
Generate a list of threads and comments for a forum: [[#thread]] (:if equal {<$Group}:) ||border=1 bordercolor=silver cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 class=thread ||! '-Thread-'||!'-Author-' ||!'-Last modified-' ||!'-Comments-' ||!'-Latest comment-' ||(:if:) || '-[[{=$FullName} | {=$LastModifiedSummary}]]-'||'-[[~{=$LastModifiedBy}]]-' ||'-{=$LastModified}-' ||'-[[{=$Group}Comment.{=$Name}?action=browse | {{=$Group}Comment.{=$Name}$PostCountText}]]-' ||'-(:if exists {{=$Group}Comment.{=$Name} :){{=$Group}Comment.{=$Name}$LastModified}(:else:) (:ifend:)-' || [[#threadend]] Generate a list of forum pages, extracting the suffix [[#forum]] * [[{=$FullName} | {(substr {=$Name} (strlen {$Name}-))}]]: {=$LastModifiedSummary} [[#forumend]] |