Page variables
- Title
- title
- Publisher
- description
- Keywords
- keywords
Page text variables
- Graphic
- graphics
Prints on the halftitle page
- Blurb
- blurb (caption)
Blurb page and title (defaults to Site.PublisherBlurb “Praise for”)
- About
- about (text=5)
About the author, prints above the publisher blurb
- Dedication
- dedication
- Epigraph
- epigraph (text=5)
Prints after the title page
- isbn (caption)
Prints on the title verso page
- Year
- year (caption)
Prints on the title verso page (defaults to the current year)
- Rights
- rights (*cc|some rights reserved, none|all rights reserved, gfdl|GNU free documentation licence, cc by|attribution, cc by-sa|attribution share-alike, cc by-nd|attribution no derivatives, cc by-nc|attribution non-commercial, cc by-nc-sa|attribution non-commercial share-alike, cc by-nc-nd|attribution non-commercial no derivatives)
- Rights caption
- rightscaption (=32)
Prints on the title verso page and caption overrides cc rights (defaults to some rights reserved, no caption)
- Custom float
- cfloat (caption)
Label for custom floats (defaults to Excerpt “List of Excerpts”)
- Style file
- style (attach sty)
Custom book style file
- Summary
- csum (hide book metadata settings)
- Author
- author
Stored in the page edit history