INZBusinessDevelopmentProgramme.20110427 HistoryHide minor edits - Show changes to output 27 April 2011 at 01:26 PM
by - Crunch Time Meeting Notes Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Added lines 1-31:
!!Crunch Time Meeting Notes 2011-04-27 !!!Noted * Apologies from Jacki and Christina. * Agreed these meetings to be held only once a week. Christina will update to be on Wednesdays. !!Updates !!!Janet * Had catch ups with Nigel, Rob Stevens and Steve Stuart this week. * Nigel has been clear that it is important there is no slippage on our dates as they can not be pushed out. * Janet stressed the need for our documentation to be simple and crisp and to avoid over-complicating things. * Noted that we need to define and then categorise the initiatives into either 'transformational projects' or 'strategic projects' - this will help with the allocation of projects that sit within the Programme and those that sit within BAU. An options paper will need to be developed for presentation at the ILT away day. * Noted there is currently some resourcing and governance issues being worked through * Noted Janet is away in Auckland next Thursday night/Friday with her ILT colleagues to support the Minister with a speech he is giving. * Noted ILT are having away days on the 11, 12 and 13 May. * Janet asked the team to think about what 'team' related things we could do to support each other over this busy period. !!!Kim * Continuing to work with David on financials for the Health project. * Working with Henry on concept proposal from DIAC for providing health services. !!!Ben * Working with John on grouping initiatives to be able present options. Looking at what projects are pre-reqs for others. !!!Henry * Working through IGMS proposals and dealing with specfic Legal related queries. !!!Steve * Working through IGMS proposals |