These are the options available to writers and readers for controlling the look of typeset page list collections.
These are the common options available to writers and readers for controlling the look of all documents.
Page settings
- Format
- format output format (hide makepdf) -
- Page size
- pagesize ISO or US standard (*A4;A5;US| US letter;HU| Half US;TP| Trade paperback;CH| Classic hardback) +
- Duplex
- duplex format pages to print 2 sided (*check on) +
- Watermark
- watermark appears on every page (|[none], draft, exposure draft, confidential, sample) +
General settings
- Heading style
- headingstyle font style for section heading text (*sans;serif) +
- Body style
- bodystyle font style for body text (sans;*serif) +
- Font set
- fontset predefined collections of sans and serif fonts (*pslatex|times, default|computer modern, newcent|new century, palatino, palatcm|palatino modern, fourier|utopia, kepler, libre, venturis) +
- Spacing
- space text spacing (*french, single, onehalf|1.5, double) +
- Heading colour
- headingcolor colour used for section heading text (*| None, Aquamarine, Bittersweet, BlueViolet, Cerulean, BrickRed, DarkOrchid, ForestGreen, MidnightBlue, NavyBlue, OliveGreen, Periwinkle, PineGreen, Plum, RawSienna, RedOrange, RoyalBlue, RoyalPurple, Sepia, Violet, WildStrawberry) +
- Colour links
- colorlinks use colour to denote hyperlinks (check on) +
- Urls typewriter-style
- urlstyle use typewriter font for url text (*check on) +
Document settings
- Type
- ptype publish type (hide searcha) -
- Surtitle
- surtitle client name appears on cover (“Wikipublisher”)
Section settings
- Autonumber depth
- autonumber depth of numbered sections (*0;1;2) +
- Table of contents
- toc turn bookmarks into table of contents (check on) +
- Sections on new page
- sectionnewpage major section start a new page (check on) +
- Sections in uppercase
- ucsection major section headings are in uppercase (check on) +
Text settings
- Paragraph separator
- parasep separation between paragraphs (*indent;space) +
- Justification
- justification text justified or ragged right (*check on) +
- Rule style
- hrstyle style for horizontal rules (*105|clover cross, 150|sparkle cross, 166|diamond cross, 121|bold asterisk, 122|open asterisk, 133|petal asterisk, 134|open petal asterisk, 140|five petal flower, 144|snowflake, 246|aldus leaf, 247|hedera leaf, 040|space, asterisk) +
- Rule style repeat
- hrrepeat repeat horizontal rule character (check on) +
- Text size
- fontsize font size for body text and headings (*11pt| regular;12pt| large;14pt| larger;2col| 2 column) +
These are the options that control how floating objects display.
Float settings
- Wrap figures
- wrapfloat wrap text around framed images (*check on) +
- Image size
- imagesize make all images smaller (*regular;small;sidecaps|side captions;rotate|allow rotation;wide) +
- Allow floats here
- floathere place floats at the current position if possible (figures;tables;cfloats|custom floats;on|all floats;*off) +
- Custom float style
- cfloatstyle style used to format custom floats (boxed;ruled;plain;*plaintop|plain top;shaded) +
- Custom float name
- cfloatname name used to label custom floats (hide *$CfloatName) +
- Custom float columns
- cfloatcols number of columns in custom floats (*|1;2;3) +
Search settings
- Needle
- needle search terms (hide $Needle) -
- Haystack
- haystack search area (hide $Haystack) -
- Category
- category page category term (hide $Category) -
- Page
- page referenced page (hide $LinkPage) -
- Pages
- pages list of pages (hide $Pages) -
- Page sort
- psort pages sort order (hide $PSort) -
The reader’s choices override the writer’s. A + indicates that this item is a default unless over-ridden. Titles are currently generated automatically for search results.