How to Write Hebrew TextThe author writes text in Roman script; the text displays (right to left) in Hebrew script. For example:
The author can also include short Hebrew words and phrases in normal running prose. The input (:he 'bgd :) will produce the output אבגד. The PDF supports the patah furtivum form of the patah point, but the HTML does not. This is the translation table for consonants:
This is the translation table for vowels and symbols:
The vowels have to be typed after the consonant to which they belong; for example, אֱלֹהִימ is coded as (:he 'e:lohiym :). The exception is the patah furtivum, which can be used only on the letters ה, הּ, ח and ע; for example, רוּחַ is coded as (:he rU/a.h :). The וֹ (O) and וּ (U) can also be coded as wo and w* respectively. The translation conventions are those used in the LATEX cjhebrew package, which also enables PDF production. |