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FITWellington.​PublicTransportSpineWorkshop History

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07 July 2016 at 08:37 PM by John Rankin - final edits again
Changed lines 3-4 from:

Saturday, 16 July 2016, 1–4pm, Matiu Room, Te Wharewaka


Saturday, 16 July 2016, 1–4pm, Matiu Room, Te Wharewaka. You may find it useful to review the information in this document in advance. However, it is not essential; all contributions will be equally valuable.

Changed lines 12-14 from:

The workshop is intended to inform how we provide for public transport, including as input to the Get Welly Moving Programme, the Wellington District Plan, the Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan and the Regional Transport Plan.


The workshop is intended to inform how we provide for public transport, including as input to the Get Welly Moving Programme, the Wellington District Plan, the Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan and the Regional Transport Plan. It is not a presentation; you are here to work.

Changed lines 42-43 from:

Session 1 (40 minutes)


Session 1

Changed lines 80-81 from:

Session 2 (40 minutes)


Session 2

Changed lines 101-102 from:

Session 3 (40 minutes)


Session 3

Deleted lines 104-105:

What other changes are needed to make the PT system more attractive?

Added lines 114-115:

Is there anything we haven’t covered? What other changes are needed to make the PT system more attractive?

06 July 2016 at 02:41 PM by John Rankin - remove check boxes at Daran's suggestion
Deleted lines 74-83:
  • ☐  Strongly agree
  • ☐  Agree
  • ☐  Neutral
  • ☐  Disagree
  • ☐  Strongly disagree
Deleted lines 76-85:
  • ☐  Strongly agree
  • ☐  Agree
  • ☐  Neutral
  • ☐  Disagree
  • ☐  Strongly disagree
Deleted lines 77-88:
  • ☐  Strongly agree
  • ☐  Agree
  • ☐  Neutral
  • ☐  Disagree
  • ☐  Strongly disagree


06 July 2016 at 02:32 PM by John Rankin - incorporate changes from Paula Warren
Changed lines 12-14 from:

The workshop is intended to inform how we provide for public transport, including influencing the Get Welly Moving Programme, the Wellington District Plan, the Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan and the Regional Transport Plan.


The workshop is intended to inform how we provide for public transport, including as input to the Get Welly Moving Programme, the Wellington District Plan, the Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan and the Regional Transport Plan.

Changed lines 19-20 from:

This workshop is about actions to implement a strong public transport spine, covering the railway station – hospital – airport corridor.


This workshop is about actions to implement a strong public transport spine, covering the railway station – hospital – airport corridor. We will also be thinking about how the spine affects other things, such as walkability and transit-oriented development.

Changed lines 28-29 from:

The Plan includes significant initiatives that will improve the region’s public transport over the next six to eight years, including:


The Plan includes significant initiatives that aim to improve the region’s public transport over the next six to eight years, including:

Changed line 39 from:

Will this deliver a strong public transport spine that promotes efficient and effective public transport?


What else is needed to deliver a strong public transport spine that promotes efficient and effective public transport?

05 July 2016 at 11:35 AM by John Rankin - final edits
Changed lines 28-36 from:
  • Redesigning train services giving people more travel options
  • Simplifying the bus network, particularly in Wellington City, giving more people access more frequent services
  • Moving towards an all-electric bus fleet with a transition period when the oldest diesel buses and the trolley bus fleet will be replaced with hybrids
  • Introducing simpler fares with free transfers and integrated ticketing
  • Redesign train services giving people more travel options
  • Simplify the bus network, particularly in Wellington City, giving more people access more frequent services
  • Move towards an all-electric bus fleet with a transition period when the oldest diesel buses and the trolley bus fleet will be replaced with hybrids
  • Introduce simpler fares with free transfers and integrated ticketing
Changed line 52 from:

They have recently published 12 Guiding Principles. These urban design and transport principles will be used as basis for planning and assessing potential solutions.


They have recently published 12 Guiding Principles. These urban design and transport principles will be used as basis for planning and assessing potential solutions. We either spend a lot of money to increase road capacity, to achieve moderate and temporary congestion reductions and bear higher future costs from increased motor vehicle traffic, or implement other types of transportation improvements.

04 July 2016 at 12:07 PM by John Rankin - add time and place
Added lines 1-7:

When and where

Saturday, 16 July 2016, 1–4pm, Matiu Room, Wharewaka

(:typeset-page colophon=off fontset=kepler headingcolor=RoyalBlue parasep=space subtitle="Agenda" colorlinks=on :)

Deleted lines 12-14:

(:typeset-page colophon=off fontset=kepler headingcolor=RoyalBlue parasep=space subtitle="Saturday 16 July 2016, 1`-4pm, Matiu Room, Wharewaka" colorlinks=on :)

04 July 2016 at 10:45 AM by John Rankin - add Daran's comments
Deleted lines 0-7:


Introduce the facilitators and describe the room layout and workshop approach. Please sign in and leave your email address if you want to receive updates.

(:typeset-page colophon=off fontset=kepler headingcolor=RoyalBlue parasep=space subtitle="Proposed Agenda" colorlinks=on :)

Added lines 8-10:

(:typeset-page colophon=off fontset=kepler headingcolor=RoyalBlue parasep=space subtitle="Proposed Agenda" colorlinks=on :)

Changed lines 36-37 from:

Get Welly Moving big question


Session 1 (40 minutes)

Get Welly Moving big question

Added lines 48-51:

They have recently published 12 Guiding Principles. These urban design and transport principles will be used as basis for planning and assessing potential solutions.

The question facing Wellington right now is: “Would we rather spend a lot of money to increase road capacity to achieve moderate and temporary congestion reductions and bear higher future costs from increased motor vehicle traffic, or implement other types of transportation improvements?”

Changed lines 65-66 from:

PT spine principles


PT spine principles

Changed lines 108-109 from:

PT spine strategies and best practices


Session 2 (40 minutes)

PT spine strategies and best practices

Changed lines 129-130 from:

Further discussion questions


Session 3 (40 minutes)

Further discussion questions

Changed lines 146-147 from:

Before you leave question


Before you leave question

Added lines 162-163:

If you want to receive updates, please sign in and leave your email address.

28 June 2016 at 05:15 PM by John Rankin - remove code of conduct
Changed lines 3-5 from:

Introduce the facilitators and describe the room layout and workshop approach. Ask people to sign in and leave an email address if they want to receive updates.


Introduce the facilitators and describe the room layout and workshop approach. Please sign in and leave your email address if you want to receive updates.

Deleted lines 157-174:

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct can be summarised as be good, be respectful, be constructive. More specifically:

  • Keep to the point: be mindful of contributing to the conversation within the topic and themes — think before speaking
  • Don’t dominate the conversation: each person has a chance to speak once before anyone speaks a second time — and don’t repeat yourself
  • Don’t interrupt: be aware of not talking over others — if you are talking or having a side-conversation, you are not listening
  • Be respectful: put forward your views without demeaning or disrespecting the views of others — challenge ideas, not people
  • Don’t be a jerk: help make the workshop a safe space where people are comfortable expressing views with which you may disagree — and watch your body language
  • Do not use slurs or offensive terms
  • Do commit random acts of kindness
27 June 2016 at 10:29 AM by John Rankin - define spine in scope
Changed lines 18-19 from:

This workshop is about actions to implement a strong public transport spine.


This workshop is about actions to implement a strong public transport spine, covering the railway station – hospital – airport corridor.

Changed line 64 from:

PT spine (railway station / hospital / airport) principles


PT spine principles

27 June 2016 at 10:25 AM by John Rankin - put code of conduct at the end
Changed lines 5-6 from:

(no need to add any more detail here — just have it on the agenda)

Deleted lines 8-24:

Code of Conduct (place-holder)

The code of conduct can be summarised as be good, be respectful, be constructive. More specifically:

  • Keep to the point: be mindful of contributing to the conversation within the topic and themes
  • Don’t dominate the conversation: each person has a chance to speak once before anyone speaks a second time — and don’t repeat yourself
  • Don’t interrupt: be aware of not talking over others — if you are talking or having a side-conversation, you are not listening
  • Be respectful: put forward your views without demeaning or disrespecting the views of others — challenge ideas, not people
  • Don’t be a jerk: help make the workshop a safe space where people are comfortable expressing views with which you may disagree — and watch your body language
  • Do not use slurs or offensive terms
Changed lines 156-173 from:

All information will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.


All information will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.

Code of Conduct (place-holder)

The code of conduct can be summarised as be good, be respectful, be constructive. More specifically:

  • Keep to the point: be mindful of contributing to the conversation within the topic and themes — think before speaking
  • Don’t dominate the conversation: each person has a chance to speak once before anyone speaks a second time — and don’t repeat yourself
  • Don’t interrupt: be aware of not talking over others — if you are talking or having a side-conversation, you are not listening
  • Be respectful: put forward your views without demeaning or disrespecting the views of others — challenge ideas, not people
  • Don’t be a jerk: help make the workshop a safe space where people are comfortable expressing views with which you may disagree — and watch your body language
  • Do not use slurs or offensive terms
24 June 2016 at 08:52 AM by John Rankin - add Likert scale to principles
Changed lines 84-85 from:

(5 point Likert scale assessment: strongly agree … strongly disagree + comments; use to focus on the qualitative interaction with the rest of the questions)


(Likert scale assessment + comments; use to focus on the qualitative interaction with the rest of the questions)

Added lines 88-97:
  • ☐  Strongly agree
  • ☐  Agree
  • ☐  Neutral
  • ☐  Disagree
  • ☐  Strongly disagree
Added lines 100-109:
  • ☐  Strongly agree
  • ☐  Agree
  • ☐  Neutral
  • ☐  Disagree
  • ☐  Strongly disagree
Added lines 111-122:
  • ☐  Strongly agree
  • ☐  Agree
  • ☐  Neutral
  • ☐  Disagree
  • ☐  Strongly disagree


22 June 2016 at 06:53 PM by John Rankin - expand the introduction text
Changed lines 3-7 from:

(no need to add any detail here — just have it on the agenda)

(:typeset-page colophon=off fontset=kepler headingcolor=RoyalBlue parasep=space subtitle="Proposed Agenda" :)


Introduce the facilitators and describe the room layout and workshop approach. Ask people to sign in and leave an email address if they want to receive updates.

(no need to add any more detail here — just have it on the agenda)

(:typeset-page colophon=off fontset=kepler headingcolor=RoyalBlue parasep=space subtitle="Proposed Agenda" colorlinks=on :)

Changed lines 22-23 from:
  • Help make the workshop a safe space where people are comfortable expressing views with which you may disagree — and watch your body language
  • Don’t be a jerk: help make the workshop a safe space where people are comfortable expressing views with which you may disagree — and watch your body language
Changed line 41 from:




22 June 2016 at 05:26 PM by John Rankin - tweak code of conduct
Changed lines 12-18 from:
  • Be mindful of contributing to the conversation within the topic and themes
  • Be aware of not dominating the conversation or talking over others — if you are talking, you are not listening
  • Put forward your views without demeaning or disrespecting the views of others — challenge ideas, not people
  • Help make the workshop a safe space where people are comfortable expressing views with which you may disagree
  • Keep to the point: be mindful of contributing to the conversation within the topic and themes
  • Don’t dominate the conversation: each person has a chance to speak once before anyone speaks a second time — and don’t repeat yourself
  • Don’t interrupt: be aware of not talking over others — if you are talking or having a side-conversation, you are not listening
  • Be respectful: put forward your views without demeaning or disrespecting the views of others — challenge ideas, not people
  • Help make the workshop a safe space where people are comfortable expressing views with which you may disagree — and watch your body language
20 June 2016 at 03:28 PM by John Rankin - incorporate Daran's comments
Changed lines 1-19 from:


The Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan sets the long-term direction for public transport in the region. It is our blueprint for an easier-to-use and more sustainable public transport network.

Wellington has a highly effective public transport system with high levels of patronage and customer satisfaction. The Regional Public Transport Plan builds on that strong base to develop an even better public transport network for the region.

The Plan includes significant initiatives that will improve the region’s public transport over the next six to eight years, including:

  • Redesigning train services giving people more travel options
  • Simplifying the bus network, particularly in Wellington City, giving more people access more frequent services
  • Moving towards an all-electric bus fleet with a transition period when the oldest diesel buses and the trolley bus fleet will be replaced with hybrids
  • Introducing simpler fares with free transfers and integrated ticketing

Code of Conduct



(no need to add any detail here — just have it on the agenda)

Code of Conduct (place-holder)

Added lines 21-52:


Identify key elements of a strong Wellington public transport spine and the actions required to deliver a spine that supports efficient and effective public transport.

The workshop is intended to inform how we provide for public transport, including influencing the Get Welly Moving Programme, the Wellington District Plan, the Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan and the Regional Transport Plan.


This workshop is about actions to implement a strong public transport spine.

This workshop is not about route selection or mode selection. We are not getting down to the brass tacks of designing a route or details of the mode mix.


The Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan sets the long-term direction for public transport in the region. It is our blueprint for an easier-to-use and more sustainable public transport network.

The Plan includes significant initiatives that will improve the region’s public transport over the next six to eight years, including:

  • Redesigning train services giving people more travel options
  • Simplifying the bus network, particularly in Wellington City, giving more people access more frequent services
  • Moving towards an all-electric bus fleet with a transition period when the oldest diesel buses and the trolley bus fleet will be replaced with hybrids
  • Introducing simpler fares with free transfers and integrated ticketing

Will this deliver a strong public transport spine that promotes efficient and effective public transport?

Changed line 78 from:

(5 point Likert scale assessment: strongly agree … strongly disagree + comments)


(5 point Likert scale assessment: strongly agree … strongly disagree + comments; use to focus on the qualitative interaction with the rest of the questions)

18 June 2016 at 04:35 PM by John Rankin - first cut agenda
Added lines 1-114:


The Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan sets the long-term direction for public transport in the region. It is our blueprint for an easier-to-use and more sustainable public transport network.

Wellington has a highly effective public transport system with high levels of patronage and customer satisfaction. The Regional Public Transport Plan builds on that strong base to develop an even better public transport network for the region.

The Plan includes significant initiatives that will improve the region’s public transport over the next six to eight years, including:

  • Redesigning train services giving people more travel options
  • Simplifying the bus network, particularly in Wellington City, giving more people access more frequent services
  • Moving towards an all-electric bus fleet with a transition period when the oldest diesel buses and the trolley bus fleet will be replaced with hybrids
  • Introducing simpler fares with free transfers and integrated ticketing

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct can be summarised as be good, be respectful, be constructive. More specifically:

  • Be mindful of contributing to the conversation within the topic and themes
  • Be aware of not dominating the conversation or talking over others — if you are talking, you are not listening
  • Put forward your views without demeaning or disrespecting the views of others — challenge ideas, not people
  • Help make the workshop a safe space where people are comfortable expressing views with which you may disagree
  • Do not use slurs or offensive terms

Get Welly Moving big question

The Get Welly Moving web site says Wellingtonians value “an efficient and affordable public transport system” and that we think:

  • public transport should be our top priority
  • our city should be more pedestrian friendly
  • some congestion is a fact of life

Is it better to tackle congestion in Wellington by:

  • ☐  expanding the urban motorway network, or
  • ☐  investing in a congestion-free rapid transit corridor, or
  • ☐  do we need both?


PT spine (railway station / hospital / airport) principles

(For Likert scale assessment + comments)

We need to design the PT spine around the needs of people, not cars.

We need to promote quality mixed-use and residential development along the PT spine.

We need to future-proof the PT spine corridor to enable future migration to rapid transit (light rail or BRT on a dedicated PT right-of-way).

PT spine strategies and best practices

(Identify barriers, changes, and comments)

We need to give public transport priority over other vehicular traffic.

We need PT services that are predictable (run to schedule) and fast enough to be an attractive alternative to the private car.

We need efficient transfers to and from other services at PT hubs, including suburban rail services, feeder bus routes, and park and ride for cars and bikes.

We need to reduce dramatically the number of peak hour buses on the Golden Mile.

We need to make the Golden Mile PT and pedestrian only (with off peak access for commercial delivery vehicles).

We need to prevent vehicular traffic, including other buses, from delaying PT services.

We need to price PT services so they are cost-competitive with other transport choices, such as relative to the cost of parking a car.

Further discussion questions

What other changes to the PT system are needed to make it more attractive?

Who should be targeted to get them to shift mode, and what changes would be needed to get them to shift?

What changes are needed to better integrate walking, cycling and PT?

Where would the most patronage gains be made in terms of competing with cars?

How could the PT strategies and changes be extended to other urban spaces, such as Newtown, Porirua City, Hutt City?

What are the biggest problems that are making PT unpleasant for current riders? To what extent will the proposed strategies and other changes fix these?

Before you leave question

What’s most important to you? If you could wave a magic wand and make just one PT wish, what would you wish for?

What happens next

The workshop organisers will collate the information and make it available to:

  • the Get Welly Moving programme
  • candidates standing for Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council
  • workshop participants who provide an email address

All information will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.

Page last modified 07 July 2016 at 08:42 PM