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We believe that light rail is the best and most proven method of solving Wellington’s transport problems. MRT along the quays will potentially get rid of ⅔ of the buses cluttering the Golden Mile — this will completely change the way that the Golden Mile can be designed i.e. for people, not for cars.
We believe that light rail is the best and most proven method of solving Wellington’s transport problems. MRT along the quays will potentially get rid of ⅔ of the buses cluttering the Golden Mile — this will completely change the way that the Golden Mile can be designed i.e. for people, not for cars.
FIT Wellington believes that the key to how the city allows for increases in its population will be decisions about Mass Rapid Transit (MRT): this will be the major determinant for the design of the Golden Mile and the final Spatial Plan for Wellington City and its suburbs.
LGWM should urgently confirm their proposed MRT route and the locations of the stations. This will give developers and the communities around them certainty.
We believe that light rail is the best and most proven method of solving Wellington’s transport problems. MRT along the quays will potentially get rid of ⅔ of the buses cluttering the Golden Mile — this will completely change the way that the Golden Mile can be designed i.e. for people, not for cars.
FIT suggests that WCC adopt a strategy of Density Done Well and embed this in the Spatial Plan.
Density Done Well requires 3 strands, all essential: