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%width 100pct%Attach:light-rail-map.png"Light rail route and options"
%width=100pct%Attach:light-rail-map.png"Light rail route and options"
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%width 100pct%Attach:inner-city-map.png"Inner city map"
%width=100pct%Attach:inner-city-map.png"Inner city map"
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(:typeset-page parasep=space :)
(:typeset-page parasep=space fontset=kepler subtitle="Briefing to Decision Makers" :)
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* We comprise engineers, scientists, policy analysts and climate & health professionals with community walking & cycling advocates.
* We comprise engineers, scientists, policy analysts and climate & health professionals, with community walking & cycling advocates.
Changed lines 15-16 from:
* John Milford of the Wellington Employers' Chamber of Commerce says, "We need to get together to sort it out." Ready when you are, John.
* John Milford of the Wellington Employers' Chamber of Commerce says, "We need to get together to sort it out." We're ready when you are.
Changed lines 19-20 from:
* Our research shows that BRT as presently configured for Wellington does not qualify as such according to internationally-agreed BRT criteria--neither will it be rapid nor provide the capacity required .
* Our research shows that BRT as presently configured for Wellington does not qualify as such according to internationally-agreed BRT criteria--neither will it be rapid nor provide the capacity required.
Changed lines 31-33 from:
* We agree that the currently-planned GW incremental bus improvements should go ahead as a temporary measure...
* But we believe climate change and looming fossil fuel shortages require a paradigm shift.
* We agree that the currently-planned GW incremental bus improvements should go ahead as an interim measure...
* But we believe climate change and the shift away from fossil fuels require a paradigm shift.
Changed lines 5-6 from:
* I represent FIT Wellington--Fair, Intelligent, Transport. Why 'Fair'? Because we believe the spine study unfairly side-lined light rail with inflated costs. Why 'Intelligent'? Because bulldozing a route through Mt Victoria and the unpopulated town belt is not intelligent: it will not fulfil the excellent aims of the spine study “to produce a high quality, modern public transport system for the Greater Wellington region”
(:typeset-page parasep=space :)
* I represent FIT Wellington--Fair, Intelligent, Transport. Why 'Fair'? Because we believe the spine study unfairly side-lined light rail with inflated costs. Why 'Intelligent'? Because bulldozing a route through Mt Victoria and the unpopulated town belt is not intelligent: it will not fulfil the excellent aims of the spine study, "to produce a high quality, modern public transport system for the Greater Wellington region."
Changed line 21 from:
* Here are route options which are credible, affordable and consistent with LRT best-practice world-wide. You have copies. I won’t go into detail: we did that in a very productive meeting with Greg Campbell and Wayne Hastie on 2015-09-06. The map should be viewed with the explanatory text and costings sent to Greg: we ask that he send it to all members of your committee.[^See ANewPublicTransportApproach^]
* Here are route options which are credible, affordable and consistent with LRT best-practice world-wide. You have copies. I won't go into detail: we did that in a very productive meeting with Greg Campbell and Wayne Hastie on 2015-09-07. The map should be viewed with the explanatory text and costings sent to Greg: we ask that he send it to all members of your committee.[^See ANewPublicTransportApproach^]
Changed lines 19-20 from:
* Here are route options which are credible, affordable and consistent with LRT best-practice world-wide. You have copies. I won’t go into detail: we did that in a very productive meeting with Greg Campbell and Wayne Hastie on 2015-09-06. The map should be viewed with the explanatory text and costings sent to Greg: we ask that he send it to all members of your committee.
* Here are route options which are credible, affordable and consistent with LRT best-practice world-wide. You have copies. I won’t go into detail: we did that in a very productive meeting with Greg Campbell and Wayne Hastie on 2015-09-06. The map should be viewed with the explanatory text and costings sent to Greg: we ask that he send it to all members of your committee.[^See ANewPublicTransportApproach^]
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* We need high capacity, all-electric public transport. It should be urgently planned for now
* We need high capacity, all-electric public transport. It should be urgently planned for now.
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* Jenny Chetwynd post-flyover says "so it's about going back to the community & taking a fresh approach." Here we are, and here's a fresh approach.
* Jenny Chetwynd post-flyover says, "So it's about going back to the community & taking a fresh approach." Here we are, and here's a fresh approach.
Changed lines 21-22 from:
%width 100pct%Attach:light-rail-map.png
%width 100pct%Attach:light-rail-map.png"Light rail route and options"
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%width 100pct%Attach:inner-city-map.png
%width 100pct%Attach:inner-city-map.png"Inner city map"
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FIT/Generation Zero Presentation to GW RLTC meeting on item 7 on the agenda (BRT business plan): 10am 2015-09-08 at GW
FIT/Generation Zero Presentation to GW Sustainable Transport Committee meeting on part 3 of item 4 on the agenda (General Managers' Report, Regional Transport Planning, BRT business case update): 9:30am 2015-09-09 at GW
* I represent FIT Wellington--Fair, Intelligent, Transport. Why 'Fair'? Because we believe the spine study unfairly side-lined light rail with inflated costs. Why 'Intelligent'? Because bulldozing a route through Mt Victoria and the unpopulated town belt is not intelligent: it will not fulfil the excellent aims of the spine study “to produce a high quality, modern public transport system for the Greater Wellington region”
* We comprise engineers, scientists, policy analysts and climate & health professionals with community walking & cycling advocates.
* We present alongside Generation Zero: their generation will inherit plans made now.
* Jenny Chetwynd post-flyover says "so it's about going back to the community & taking a fresh approach." Here we are, and here's a fresh approach.
* John Milford of the Wellington Employers' Chamber of Commerce says, "We need to get together to sort it out." Ready when you are, John.
* Our solution for the Basin Reserve is simple. Our route will bypass and help decongest it.
* Our research shows that BRT as presently configured for Wellington does not qualify as such according to internationally-agreed BRT criteria--neither will it be rapid nor provide the capacity required .
* Here are route options which are credible, affordable and consistent with LRT best-practice world-wide. You have copies. I won’t go into detail: we did that in a very productive meeting with Greg Campbell and Wayne Hastie on 2015-09-06. The map should be viewed with the explanatory text and costings sent to Greg: we ask that he send it to all members of your committee.
%width 100pct%Attach:light-rail-map.png
* The route options are not the only possible: they are there for discussion.
* We prefer a route along the whole of Lambton Quay if technically possible.
%width 100pct%Attach:inner-city-map.png
* We agree that the currently-planned GW incremental bus improvements should go ahead as a temporary measure...
* But we believe climate change and looming fossil fuel shortages require a paradigm shift.
* We need high capacity, all-electric public transport. It should be urgently planned for now
* If we start today, Wellington could have a world-class light rail tram service between the Railway Station and the Airport, via the Hospital, by 2030: this for an estimated cost as low as $450 million.
* We are happy to enter discussions with all decision-makers and welcome questions now.